Year: 2011

  • Matt Hisrich, Richmond Council Candidate, Receives Pal-Item Endorsement

    Matt Hisrich, Richmond Council Candidate, Receives Pal-Item Endorsement

    Matt Hisrich, Libertarian Candidate for Richmond Common Council (D-1), received the endorsement of the Richmond Pal-Item. The local newspaper stated, “[He is a] challenger whom we think possesses the talent, know-how and commitment to help move this city forward.” Hisrich previously worked for the Pal-Item, but did not recieve their endorsement when he ran for a Wayne County office in 2010.…

  • Go Door-to-Door with Ed Coleman This Saturday!

    Go Door-to-Door with Ed Coleman This Saturday!

    Time: Saturday, October 29 · 9:30am – 12:30pm Location: Heine’s World Famous Roast Beef 7040 Madison Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46227 More Info: We’re down to the last two weeks. Come out and help Ed Walk his District! We will be meeting at a supporting business, Heine’s Roast Beef at 9:30am We had a record number…

  • An October 31 Deadline Fast Approaches: A Special Message from Andy Wolf, Indiana’s LNC Rep

    An October 31 Deadline Fast Approaches: A Special Message from Andy Wolf, Indiana’s LNC Rep

    As you are aware, the 2012 national LP convention will be held on the first week of May in Las Vegas, Nevada. Delegations will be credentialed from each state. How big and how important do you want Region 3 to play in this? YOU DO have influence on our standing at the national convention. HOW?…

  • Video of the Day: Are We Really Less Free Today?

    Video of the Day: Are We Really Less Free Today?

    Our Video of the Day returns this week with Are We Really Less Free Today? Sheldon Richman on the State of Liberty, courtesy of [youtube][/youtube]

  • Libertarian Party Reaction to Rupert Boneham’s Announcement

    Libertarian Party Reaction to Rupert Boneham’s Announcement

    Rupert Boneham, former Survivor contestant, small business owner, and mentor to at-risk youth announced his intentions to seek the nomination for Governor on the ticket of the Libertarian Party of Indiana. “I am very excited that Rupert has decided to contend for the LPIN nomination for Governor in 2012,” said Sam Goldstein, State Chair of…

  • Rupert Boneham To Seek the Libertarian Party Nomination for Governor

    Rupert Boneham To Seek the Libertarian Party Nomination for Governor

    Rupert Boneham announced today his intentions to seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party for the office of the Governor of Indiana. “It’s time for a change in Indiana,” said Boneham. “Hoosiers have consistently voted in professional politicians and look at the results. Hoosiers should have a different choice in 2012. Through my experiences running…

  • Press Release: Rupert to Announce Intentions For Governor’s Race

    Press Release: Rupert to Announce Intentions For Governor’s Race

    INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. On Saturday October 22nd, Rupert Boneham will be announcing his intentions whether or not he will seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party of Indiana for the Office of Governor. Back in August, Boneham announced the formation of an exploratory committee. During the last few months, he has been speaking to family, friends,…

  • Rupert Boneham to Announce Decision on Gubernatorial Run Saturday

    Rupert Boneham to Announce Decision on Gubernatorial Run Saturday

    Rupert has made a decision! This Saturday at 2pm, he will announce whether or not he will seek the Libertarian nomination for Governor. Join Rupert, his family and friends for politics, music, food and tie-dye. There will be fun activities for the whole family. Rupert and his family will be hosting a tie-dye workshop (everything…

  • Ed Coleman Launches New Television Ad in Indianapolis

    Ed Coleman Launches New Television Ad in Indianapolis

    Indianapolis City-County Councilor Ed Coleman has launched a TV spot is his effort to seek re-election to the governing body of America’s 11th largest city. Coleman was elected in 2007 as a Republican, but left for the Libertarian Party a year later due to the constant pressure to raise taxes and support corporate bailouts. Indianapolis…

  • Help at the Celebrate Memphis Festival OPH Booth

    Help at the Celebrate Memphis Festival OPH Booth

    Greetings Libertarians, This Saturday and Sunday, October 1-2, the Libertarian Parties of Clark and Floyd counties will operate an OPH Booth at the Celebrate Memphis festival. This will be our second time we have had a booth at this event. We will be promoting our local municipal Libertarian Party candidates for public office. We will…