zzz-1994 Society

Join the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s 1994 Society

After securing ballot access in the late 1980’s, the LPIN faced a challenge of stricter ballot access laws imposed by the Indiana General Assembly. After struggling a few years to surpass the new hurdles the LPIN met the tougher hurdle in 1994, and has been the only party to join the Republican and Democrat parties on the ballot continuously since that time.

To celebrate the LP’s ballot victory and develop a plan for sustained growth, the 1994 Society was created. The 1994 Society is set up in levels. The base level allows voting privileges at local, state and national meetings. Sustaining memberships come with more perks.

Funds raised through 1994 Society contributions goes toward funding the LPIN’s operations, including staff, outreach, advertising and events.

Thank you for making a commitment to the long-term success of the Libertarian Party of Indiana!

Please consult our monthly membership types listed below and support join the 1994 Society at your chosen level.

* You may cancel your membership at any time.

Shuford Fellow — Sustaining Membership – $10-49/month ($120-$588/annually)Named for former LPIN Chairman and activist, Rob Shuford, the Shuford Fellowships represent a major share of funding to the LPIN. For a monthly pledge from $10 to $49 (or an equivalent annual contribution), a member earns:

  • Voting Rights within LPIN
  • Monthly 1994 Society News Service Newsletter
  • 1994 Society Pin for Display at LPIN Events
  • Recognition in LPIN Publications as ’94 Society Shuford Member

*We respect your privacy. If you wish not be listed we will not publish your name.

Make a recurring monthly donation via our secure donation page.

Dillon Fellow — Sustaining Membership – $50 & up/month (>$600/annually)m>In 1994, Steve Dillon took up the banner for the LPIN and successfully secured the Party’s ballot access as its candidate for Secretary of State. As a key figure in the Party’s early growth, Dillon is recognized with the Party’s most elite level of contributors. With a monthly pledge of $50 or more (or the annual equivalent contribution), a member earns:

  • Voting Rights within LPIN
  • Monthly 1994 Society News Service Newsletter
  • Electronic Legislative Update (debuting in 2010)
  • 1994 Society Dillon Member Nametag for Display at LPIN Events
  • 1994 Society Pin for Display at LPIN Events
  • Recognition in LPIN Publications as ’94 Society Dillon Member

*We respect your privacy. If you wish not be listed we will not publish your name.

Make a recurring monthly donation via our secure donation page.

Make a One-Time Contribution:

Make a one-time donation via our secure donation page.

Paid for and authorized by the Libertarian Party of Indiana, Tim Maguire, Chair, 1111 East 54th Street, Suite 158, Indianapolis, IN 46220

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