Dear fellow Libertarian:
I hope you are having a great start to your new year!
I am writing you because I need your help. I serve as the chair of the 2010 Platform Committee and I need to know your opinions about our party’s platform.
Two years ago, based on survey feedback by thousands of you, the 2008 Platform Committee learned what type of platform you wanted. This critically important feedback helped us construct proposals to successfully rebuild our party platform in a new style – short, bold and outwardly focused, yet still in keeping with our core values.
Thanks to your input, the 2008 convention delegates were able to accomplish an amazing feat, getting the 2/3rds agreement necessary to rebuild a complete platform in a single convention day.
With the 2010 convention just around the corner, our convention delegates will soon be voting on improvements to the platform. This time the Platform Committee is focused more on polishing existing language, rather than venturing into new territory.
The 2010 Platform Committee met last month and adopted a series of 24 recommendations. By completing this new survey you will be able to share with us your thoughts on our recommendations, many of which were inspired by written comments received on the last survey.
Your responses will be very helpful. If you identify important factors we overlooked, or if you can think of improvements for the proposals, the Committee will have an opportunity to modify our report when we meet again in St. Louis just before the convention in May.
Please take a few minutes to participate in the process by completing this survey which allows you to show support/opposition for each recommendation as well as an opportunity to provide comments on each.
If you need to review the current Libertarian Party platform, you can find it on the national party’s website.
Thank you,
Alicia Mattson
Chair, Libertarian Party Platform Committee