Indiana General Assembly: Sovereignty’s Imminent Date with Destiny

(By Phyllis Klosinski, A Brown County Libertarian)

The Supremacy of Indiana and your individual liberty is being determined by Indiana Legislators making a calculated Constitutional move. The Libertarian Legislative Think Tank has considered three constitutional amendments and a bill amending Indiana Code defining state sovereignty to block the implementation of certain federal laws in Indiana.

Define Sovereignty to establish the Autonomy predominating both the U.S. and Indiana Constitutions: the destiny of any and all individual freedom of choice is forever to be determined.

Proposed legislation attempts the protection of rights by declaring the “inapplicability of certain federal law in Indiana”, using the limits of federal authority delineated in the U.S. Constitution Ninth and Tenth Amendments. Is the Federal government adhering to the limits in the Constitution, NO. Since the Federal government is violating the contractual agreement of the U.S. Constitution, Indiana has the duty to challenge the violation of that contract and provide citizen protection by blocking implementation.

An Indiana resident has a “private right of action to enjoin” implementation or enforcement of a federal law declared void in Indiana; so what? Right of action already exists in both Constitutions. Right to opt out of health care system specifies certain rights with respect to any health care system, yet Legislators have left it up to the individual citizen to seek private action. State sovereignty and health care choice legislation SB 0319 (2010) mandated provision that the attorney general shall provide for the legal defense of health care providers and residents of Indiana, this crucial protection is noticeably absent from current legislation.

It is noble to declare a statute of the United States found inconsistent with Indiana Constitutional rights inapplicable, but where does the individual go when the IRS directly imposes the Federal Mandates through seizure of your paycheck and property?

The Libertarian Party Platform holds the individual not government has the right to exercise sole dominion over their own life recognizing the freedom of individual determination of all health care needs. LP Platform holds we must follow and protect the Constitution (both), which in turn are the written guarantees of the absolute limits of government.

LPIN members should support SB 0505, however when contacting Legislators impress the need for inclusion of critical State defense language, protecting the individual.

To register your position contacts are:

Senators: Tomes, Kruse, Banks, Steele, Alting, Waterman

INLP should support these Indiana Cons. Amendments, proposing identical protection.

HJR 0008: Representatives; Turner, Stemler, Koch

SJR 0011: Senators; Kruse, Tomes

SJR 0015: Senators; Grooms,