This is the monthly business meeting for the Monroe County affiliate. At these meetings we discuss party business, as well as plan our events. These meetings are open to all members and the public. Room location will vary from month-to-month […]
The Libertarian Party of Clark County holds a monthly meetup on the first Tuesday of each month. It is held at Kingfish Restaurant in Jeffersonville and begins at 7:00 PM. It is a social meetup open to all who are […]
This meeting will be live streamed via YouTube. All District Reps and Directors, please have your written report submitted the Wednesday February 5th. Any agenda item requests are due by Thursday February 6th. Meeting Agenda PDF – DOWNLOAD LINK TBA
The monthly business meeting for Hamilton County Indiana Libertarian Party is normally held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Bier Brewing, Noblesville, IN
The Libertarian Party of Clark County holds a monthly meetup on the first Tuesday of each month. It is held at Kingfish Restaurant in Jeffersonville and begins at 7:00 PM. It is a social meetup open to all who are […]
The monthly business meeting for Hamilton County Indiana Libertarian Party is normally held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Bier Brewing, Noblesville, IN
The Libertarian Party of Clark County holds a monthly meetup on the first Tuesday of each month. It is held at Kingfish Restaurant in Jeffersonville and begins at 7:00 PM. It is a social meetup open to all who are […]
The Libertarian Party of Clark County holds a monthly meetup on the first Tuesday of each month. It is held at Kingfish Restaurant in Jeffersonville and begins at 7:00 PM. It is a social meetup open to all who are […]
The Libertarian Party of Clark County holds a monthly meetup on the first Tuesday of each month. It is held at Kingfish Restaurant in Jeffersonville and begins at 7:00 PM. It is a social meetup open to all who are […]