Event Details

    Venue: Hancock County Public Library (900 W McKenzie Road, Greenfield, IN, 46140, USA)

The Hancock County League of Women Voters is hosting the Greenfield, IN Mayoral Debate tonight between Nate Anderson (D), Guy Titus (R), and our very own Larry Silver Jr. (L) at the Hancock County Public Library on McKenzie Road in Greenfield tonight from 6PM to 8PM!

Larry is prepared to take the concerns of Greenfield, IN head-on! He has been speaking to residents the old fashioned way (by going door-to-door) and has identified several pain-points for the Greenfield taxpayers. Those include, but are not limited to:

  • Budget Surplus being spent instead of refunded to taxpayers
  • Increases in Property Taxes because of changes in interpretation of policy by the Assessor’s Office
  • Increase in Water Bills for Municipal Water customers
  • Wasteful Spending
  • Tax Abatements
  • City Development Plans
  • Targeting of Certain Local Small Business Owners

Larry will have a chance to state his case to the electorate tonight and we would appreciate ANY support you can provide!

If you are interested in membership, or involvement in his campaign or the local or state party in general, please reach out to LPHanCoIN@gmail.com or District6@lpin.org and we will get you in touch with the right folks!

Have a fantastic day, and thank you for your support!

In Liberty,

Luke J Lomax

District Six Representative to the LPIN State Central Commitee

Chair- Libertarian Party of Hancock County

317-220-9979 – Mobile

This event was posted in by Luke Lomax.