A Recap of the LPIN Outreach Effort at the Indiana State Fair

For the first time in LPIN history, the party held a booth at the Indiana State Fair. How did it go? Here are some statistics:

  • The State Fair lasted 17 days. From August 3rd to the 19th the booth was staffed by at least two volunteers from 10 AM to 9 PM. The average staffing level in the booth was 5 volunteers and/or candidates. Over 40 volunteers helped to make the booth a success, and most did more than just one 4 hour shift. Seven volunteers and candidates were at the booth for more than 7 days of the fair.
  • Volunteers registered 132 people to vote. Many were young people ready to vote for the first time. Some registered because they felt our candidates were the only ones who could make a difference. Including these numbers, Rupert’s campaign alone has now registered between 400 and 500 new voters.
  • The World’s Smallest Political Quiz was front and center in the booth. At least 400 stayed to take the quiz with our volunteers. Over 1,000 of the LP door hangers so voters could give the quiz at home to others.
  • Fair attendees walked up and took over 2,000 Libertarian bumper stickers, and nearly 750 Gary Johnson bumper stickers. A dozen yard signs for Gary Johnson were also taken and hundreds of pieces of literature for our Presidential candidate were distributed.
  • Many pieces of literature were handed out for Andy Horning, Rex Bell, Chard Reid, Jeremiah Morrell, James Nease, and other Libertarian Party of Indiana candidates as well.
  • Vice Presidential Candidate Judge Jim Gray visited the booth on Monday, August 6th to meet with voters.
  • A local newspaper group covered the booth and Rupert Boneham’s campaign. This article was published in a dozen newspapers around Indiana. As was this opinion piece.
  • For the first time ever, a Libertarian Lt. Governor’s candidate participated in a debate against the Republican and Democrats. Brad Klopfenstein shined in the debate!
  • The State Party and Rupert Boneham’s Gubernatorial campaign had 310 volunteer sign-ups at the booth.
  • Rupert’s campaign saw 100 new volunteer sign-ups during the State Fair through their website from across Indiana.
  • Rupert took over 2,500 pictures with supporters that went on to Facebook to help promote their campaign.
  • Rupert signed over 7,000 autographs.
  • Rupert Boneham‘s campaign handed out over 10,000 pieces of literature.

For a complete photo recap, please visit our Facebook album here.

This booth was made possible by the 14 donors that saw this as a great opportunity and helped the party to purchase this space at the 2012 State Fair. We owe this success to their generosity.

This outreach effort also took a considerable amount of planning and execution by LPIN Staff, and exhausted almost all of the printed resources in the State Party reserves. To say a “job well done” or to help restock resources, please make a donation today at https://staging.lpin.org/join/donate/.

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