Year: 2011

  • Andy Horning Annotates US Constitution

    Andy Horning Annotates US Constitution

    Former Indiana Gubernatorial candidate Andy Horning took the time to write out his thoughts on the Indiana Constitution during his 2008 campaign. You can read those here. Andy has now released his own annotated version of the United States Constitution. View his notes here. Andy is back in Indiana permanently, and available to schools, civic…

  • Indiana General Assembly: Sovereignty’s Imminent Date with Destiny

    Indiana General Assembly: Sovereignty’s Imminent Date with Destiny

    (By Phyllis Klosinski, A Brown County Libertarian) The Supremacy of Indiana and your individual liberty is being determined by Indiana Legislators making a calculated Constitutional move.  The Libertarian Legislative Think Tank has considered three constitutional amendments and a bill amending Indiana Code defining state sovereignty to block the implementation of certain federal laws in Indiana.…

  • Reason: Revolution on the Nile: Rebellious Cops, Lethal Aid, and Off Switch Envy

    Reason: Revolution on the Nile: Rebellious Cops, Lethal Aid, and Off Switch Envy

    (By Jesse Walker, Originally posted at Reason’s Hit & Run.) The most hopeful news to come out of Egypt today are the reports of officers fraternizing with protesters, removing their uniforms, refusing to fire their weapons. That’s when a popular revolt succeeds: when the storm troopers won’t follow orders. The question is how widespread that…

  • Membership Membership
  • The Session: New Ways to Tax

    (I am a contributor to the Session, a blog of the Indy Star. Please visit it for up to the date thoughts on the IN General Assembly.) After the 3, 2, 1 property tax caps went in to effect, everyone slowly began to realize that local governments were going to be hit very hard without…

  • The Decriminalization of a Constitutional Right – SB 506

    The Decriminalization of a Constitutional Right – SB 506

    (By Phyllis Klosinski, Brown County, IN) The Libertarian Legislative Think Tank has swiftly reacted to a Senate bill proposing measured restoration of the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, prompting extensive discussion overwhelmingly expressing support. A Restoration of a Constitutional right: why have we become so willing to “accept” back what government has arbitrarily taken from…

  • Revenue, Revenue, Revenue: A Look at the General Assembly’s New Taxes

    Revenue, Revenue, Revenue: A Look at the General Assembly’s New Taxes

    (By Jerry Titus, Howard County Chair) While the ‘traditional’ media brings you news of the General Assembly’s diligent efforts to trim and reform our State government, it appears that they’ve missed reporting on several new tax and revenue generating bills that have been introduced this session. At the Libertarian Legislative Think Tank on Facebook, we’ve…

  • What is a Constitutional Marriage in Indiana?

    What is a Constitutional Marriage in Indiana?

    (By Phyllis Klosinski Brown County, IN) The proposal of two Constitutional Amendments has created a firestorm of religious, sexual and governmental policy debate in the LPIN’s Libertarian Legislative Think Tank (LLTT). A Constitutional amendment must be provided extreme diligence. Caution: once enacted, forever hold your peace. The LP platform holds personal relationships are individual choice…

  • The SOTU and the American Spirit

    The SOTU and the American Spirit

    Here is the part of Obama’s speech that I liked. “So yes, the world has changed. The competition for jobs is real. But this shouldn’t discourage us. It should challenge us. Remember – for all the hits we’ve taken these last few years, for all the naysayers predicting our decline, America still has the largest,…

  • Libertarian response to State of the Union and Republicans

    Libertarian response to State of the Union and Republicans

    [youtube][/youtube] WASHINGTON – This evening, Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict spoke in response to the addresses from President Barack Obama and Congressman Paul Ryan. A transcript of Mr. Benedict’s speech follows: