Help Keep the LPIN Office Open
The LPIN has secured a dedicated private office at the co-working space, Switchboard in Indy. We haven’t had a dedicated office space in several years and in that time we have struggled to find storage and meeting spaces. Over the years, as boxes have shifted from one person’s shed to another’s garage…over and over again, we have lost many historical documents and items. We also had many of the Party’s assets scattered across the state at the houses of former officers and district reps.
Having our own private dedicated office means that our equipment (membership card printer, photo copier, projector and screen, etc) and all of our supplies (member pins, decorations, envelopes, signs, WSPQ posters and cards, etc) have a permanent central location. It also means that the SCC has a regular location for the every other month in-person board meetings. We can even host private meetings for districts, county parties, and even candidates.
Right now LPIN Chair Evan McMahon and Vice Chair Kristin Alexander are working in the LPIN Office every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm (sometimes they’re there additional days and for longer hours). The productivity of the LPIN has been through the roof over the last month that we’ve been in the office. Calls and emails are getting returned even faster.
Having the dedicated private office and maintaining the supplies and equipment costs the LPIN around $2,000 a month. To help keep the office buzzing, please make your best monthly (or annual equivalent) to the LPIN Office Fund. This is a restricted fund that will only be used for office rent, equipment, and regular office supplies and ensures these funds aren’t pulled from other programs.